The New Age Magazine

NEW SINGLE RELEASE - Linn Sandin 'Think About It'

Pull your head out the sand for this banger.

A voice reminiscent of Royal & The Serpent, a guitar riff that feels like it came straight from a country song and a beat that feels like marching feet – it’s strange to imagine Think About It has yet to find a large audience. Linn Sandin might not be a name that you hear in everyday conversation, but she’s a talent that’s sure to be a future headliner for the music festivals of tomorrow.

My discovery of Sandin occurred during one of those every day, bored out of your mind, flicking through TikTok where I wasn’t really listening or watching – procrastination was the game, and I was winning. Thinking wasn’t even on my mind, ironic as that may be. Sandin’s song found me like a wake-up call to get back into the world.

‘Why don’t you think about it’, she sings – her soft voice carries the words with a weight that pulls you in with the twirl of her natural Swedish tongue and the energy of the words. Suddenly I was awake, and I was listening to this song that had me wanting to move, but also made me want to listen.

Sandin’s ‘Think About It’ is a catchy piece of alt-rock but it also feels layered. A challenge to a faceless enemy to broaden themselves for a ‘single lane’ way of think. ‘Dare to enter my mind’ she sings, emphasis on each word as each word feels important. The challenge to create a change, to invite new perspective – perhaps this is a personal statement for Lin Sandin.

The song certainly feels personal, as though she herself is trying to pull her audience’s head from the sand, ‘Why don’t you think about: All the time you wasted on fights, Never wanted to solve ‘em, Just add to the problem’.

Sandins ‘Think About It’ might be personal but we all have a shared experience of knowing someone who is stubbornly ignorant, whom we’ve had to emphasise each word as the sentence itself might wholly be ignored. It’s a powerful, entertaining, catchy song that makes you want to move and expresses all the frustrations of arguing against belligerent ignorance.

So, if you’re looking for an alt-rock artist to add to your playlist then consider Linn Sandin your next obsession. Seriously, ‘Think About It’!