The New Age Magazine


The bedbugs that are currently invading London are not the only thing that will be taking over the city this fall.

The new single “Bedbugz” by singer and songwriter Ouraa is an uplifting and empowering song that draws inspiration from the recent bug infestation to talk about self-worth and dealing with toxic people.

“Don’t let the bedbugz get in the way, You know that they’re after you…”.

The ominous lyrics, together with the eery aesthetic of the cover and the music video, create a creepy atmosphere that mirrors the anxiety of the singer, who is surrounded by “bedbugz”. These bugs represent the haters and negative people in her life, who are restless in trying to take her down. However, the message that prevails is one of strength and positivity. The uplifting beat, the background choir and Ouraa’s powerful voice come together to create an interesting musical universe, that works as a hybrid between pop and gospel. And of course, the amazing bass drops will hit you right in the gut and manage to transmit a visceral feeling of strength. By the end of the song, you’ll want to get into a fight with all the “bedbugz” in your life and come out victorious.

Ouraa is a true preacher of positive energy, and offers a reassuring but intense lesson of self-acceptance to her audience. Wellbeing is at the centre of most of her discography, and pieces such as “Just Breathe” and “Do It Right” are literal musical pep-talks that acknowledge that life is a struggle but that in the end, everything will be fine. It is thanks to her hardships that the singer can say that: “I’ve learnt to love and I’ve learnt to see”.

If you enjoy Afro-Swing, R&B and pop, I can only recommend experiencing the communicative power of Ouraa’s musical universe. She is present on every music platform and gives frequent updates of her projects on her Instagram @ouraaofficial.